- Performance Evaluation of GPU accelerated HPC and AI applications using HPCToolkit, TAU, and ParaTools Pro for E4S(TM), at the Rice Energy Conference, February 27, 2025.
- SC24 Tutorial: Using Containers to Accelerate HPC, at the Supercomputing 2024, November 18, 2024.
- E4S and Programming Toolkits, at the Rice Energy Conference, March 7, 2024.
- E4S at NERSC, (Slides), Aug 25, 2022.
- Getting Started with E4S for Industry and Agencies, (Slides), June 14-15, 2021.
- E4S BoF at ECP Annual Meeting, (Video) April 13, 2021.
- E4S Tutorial at ECP Annual Meeting, (Video, Slides), April 12, 2021.
- E4S Webinar, Online, January 13, 2021.
- Second E4S Forum Workshop at EuroMPI/USA'20, Austin, TX, September 24, 2020.
- E4S BoF at SC19, Denver, CO, November 19, 2019.
- First E4S Forum Workshop at IEEE Cluster 2019, Albuquerque, NM, September 23, 2019.
- First workshop on NSF and DOE High Performance Computing Tools, Eugene, OR, July 10-11, 2019.